[fusion-users] Customizing the selection panel

Kevin Pelgrims Kevin.Pelgrims at realdolmen.com
Mon Aug 29 10:22:30 EDT 2011

Because I didn't really like the rebuilding option and found one additional website (http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/wiki/HowToCustomizeSelectionPanel), I tried following:

I modified this in the ApplicationDefinition.xml:
    <Widget xsi:type="WidgetType">
      <Extension xsi:type="CustomContentType">

I added the Extension part. Then I added this to index.html in one of the Fusion templates:
function displaySelection(oSelection)

The alert is just there for testing purposes of course. This also does not work.
Is the information on that page obsolete, or am I doing something wrong here?

Is there really no other way then making a new build?
And if that is really required, how would I start with that?

Thanks for the reply.


-----Original Message-----
From: Zac Spitzer [mailto:zac.spitzer at gmail.com] 
Sent: maandag 29 augustus 2011 15:02
To: Kevin Pelgrims
Cc: fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [fusion-users] Customizing the selection panel

you need to make a new build, all fusion js is compiled into a single file

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Kevin Pelgrims <Kevin.Pelgrims at realdolmen.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am trying to customize the selection panel in the Fusion viewer, but 
> so far I haven’t managed to change anything.
> I assumed all the code for the selection panel could be found in 
> SelectionPanel.js in the widget folder. But changes I make there don’t 
> seem to come through to the viewer. I have been looking at every place 
> possible, I don’t seem to find it.
> Can anybody guide me towards the right direction? Because I’m really 
> getting stuck here..
> Regards,
> Kevin
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Zac Spitzer
Solution Architect / Director
Ennoble Consultancy Australia
+61 405 847 168

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