[fusion-users] OpenLayers.js 2.10 and FireFox 4

Michael Adair madair at dmsolutions.ca
Tue May 24 11:54:07 EDT 2011


I haven't tried that yet, but past experience in upgrading OL for Fusion 
is that there usually aren't any issues with doing an upgrade.  Note 
that Fusion was loading scripts in the same way that OpenLayers was 
(which caused the Firefox 4 issue) and that has been fixed in Fusion 
trunk and in the 2.2 branch (http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/448)


On 24/05/2011 11:07 AM, GordonL wrote:
> Can I updated teh OpenLayers.js file that is in the \fusion\lib\OpenLayers\
> folder with the 2.11 version to accomodate FireFox 4?  Would that work?
> thanks
> gordon
> --
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