OT: OGR and Quadtree and R-tree

Paul Selormey paul at t...
Tue Aug 21 07:30:39 EDT 2001

Hello All,

This is really off-topic, but I could not find a good place to 
discuss the OGR and since it is "part" of the GDAL I decided to post 
this here.

Not a professional GIS person, a newbie. I have read about Quadtree 
and R-tree and how they make rendering fast.

1. Which one do you use for Shape file and MID/MIF/TAB and why?

2. I have seen the implementation of the quadtree in shapelib and the 
R-tree in GFC. However, no such algorithm is used in the OGR, why?

3. I have used OpenEV, which is based on the OGR/GDAL. The rendering 
is not all that slow, so why is the need for the quadtree?

4. To anyone building a OGRLayer object and concerned with the memory 
and speed, what is the most practical/best way to use the classes 
provided in the OGR?

Best regards,

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