[gdal-dev] normal USGS DEM?

Ben Discoe ben at v...
Mon Jul 16 00:48:47 EDT 2001

> variety of USGS DEM products. Different LF/CF configurations,
> some with fixed length records, some with variable, some screwed up
> files from ESRI software, etc.

Yup. I had to go through lots of crap too, as did a lot of people
independently, before Open Source popularity brought a lot of the
implementations to the surface. The VTP software already reads
fixed/variable record DLG (ug - not even the USGS software reads both of
them (!?)) and many of the (apparently countless) variations of format
calling themselves "DEM". Ick.

> If you can point me to some relatively straight forward code for
> reading them,
> and some sample files, I would be willing to add the format.

I'll send you an attachment with DEM-reading source that not only covers
plenty of strange varieties, but (as of today) even constructs an
OGRSpatialReference from it :-)


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