[Gdal-dev] steph@derecho.jpl.nasa.gov

Stephanie Granger steph at derecho.jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Dec 13 13:23:07 EST 2002


I am attempting (unsuccesfully) to install GDAL onto a Sun Sparc 
running Solaris2.8. I am trying to access HDF and HDF-EOS files via 
GRASS5.0 and need GDAL to read the HDF (else, I have to write my own 
interface and I don't want to do that).

I do not have root access on my system and my grass binaries are in
my home directory, grass libs are in my local grass5 directory.

I downloaded the GDAL tar ball, unzipped, un-tarred it and executed
./configure for my system. When I execute gmake, I get the following 

gmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/steph/usr/local/gdal/gdal-1.1.7/core'
c++ -c -I.. -I../port -I../core -I../ogr -Wall -fPIC -O2  -I/home/steph/grass5 
/home/steph/grass5/include -I/home/steph/grass5 
/home/steph/grass5/include/include   -I/usr/local/include  
-DINST_DATA=\"/home/steph/bin/share/gdal\" \
        gdaldrivermanager.cpp -o gdaldrivermanager.o
c++: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple compilations
gmake[1]: *** [gdaldrivermanager.o] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/steph/usr/local/gdal/gdal-1.1.7/core'
gmake: *** [core-target] Error 2

Can someone please help?

Thank you,

Stephanie Granger

Stephanie Granger		Stephanie.Granger at jpl.nasa.gov
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mail Stop 169-237
4800 Oak Grove Dr.		Voice 	(818) 354-5683
Pasadena, CA 91109		FAX	(818) 393-4619

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