Driver options in GDAL

Andrey Kiselev a_kissel at e...
Wed May 22 06:16:01 EDT 2002


I have two chained questions about GDAL and OpenEV.

1. Is it possible to use GDAL driver options in OpenEV? For example my
driver can return raw data or calibrated values and I want to say to OpenEV
what kind of data I need. Band selection question also very useful. I can
look, how it may be implemented and do it.

2. What about special structure for the driver options handling? Driver will
get parameters by queriyng GDALDriver class, not by processing commanline,
all options will be known to the GDAL core when driver registered. Using
this method driver help system may be organized. For example, I have say
something like

gdal_translate -of GTiff HELP

and list of GeoTIFF options with descriptions will be displayed. Also
external applications may get a list of driver supported options and
construct a GUI widgets based on it.

Andrey V. Kiselev
Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety Russian Academy of Sciences
Office phone: +7 812 2307834 ICQ UIN 26871517
Registered Linux user number 169907

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