[Gdal-dev] GDAL data model, caching, GDALProjDef

Derrick J Brashear shadow at dementia.org
Sun Feb 16 14:30:22 EST 2003

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003, Ed McNierney wrote:

> Derrick -
> 1) No, you'll need to do that externally.  If you can give me some info
> about what kind of images you're working with, I'll try to make
> suggestions.

Everything I want to decollar are USGS quads. I'm willing to forgo
decollaring the 1:250k images to avoid the problem with the images that
fall at the center of the UTM zone if I have to, and just deal with 1:24k
and 1:100k images. 

> 2) I never noticed the "viewer" subdirectory before <g>.  It's there in
> CVS but not in the distribution - the code looks pretty old.  There are
> lots of viewers out there - what kind of data are you trying to view?

It's not that I'm trying to view data, it's that I wanted to point someone
who has a raster viewer now at a simple GDAL (presumably raster) viewer to
illustrate that it's not a big deal to integrate GDAL support. Basically
taking a section of image through the GDAL api and blatting it to a
displayed canvas. 

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