TR : [Gdal-dev] ADO driver based on OpenGIS SQL specification in OGR ?

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at
Fri Jul 25 08:47:11 EDT 2003

Jean wrote:
> About PostGIS : It looks perfect ! But the GNU GPL license of PostGis
> raises a problem. Our software that would use PostGIS through OGR, will
> must be distribued under GPL licence too. Or, we can not published our
> source code(however no problem about PostGres's source code) neither
> allowed our users to redistribute our software for free.
> Is that the real application of the GNU GPL license ? I may be wrong.


My understanding is that the GPL in this case only applies to the PostGIS
module that loads into the Postgresql server process.  It does not impact
OGR or applications using OGR since they interact through with Postgres
but are not part of the same application.

If you were still concerned about this you might want to raise the issue
on the PostGIS list, but I really don't see that the license of PostGIS
would apply as broadly as affecting your application too.  Of course, it
is exactly these sorts of complications and concerns that I try to avoid
by using the MIT/X license.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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