[Gdal-dev] build bug

April Shimitz shimitz at usgs.gov
Wed Jun 4 14:19:48 EDT 2003


I've just updated our copy of GDAL from code checked out from the
remotesensing repository as of yesterday at 4:30pm. I just tried to run
configure, but got the following error:

configure[3736]: syntax error at line 3765 : `(' unexpected

I looked at the line, but cannot see anything wrong with it; do you see any
or have you had any trouble with the configure script?

print \"-L%s/lib/python%s/config -lpython%s.dll" % (sys.prefix,
sys.version[:3], sys.version[:3])'`"

April Shimitz

Science Applications International Corporation
Software Applications Engineer
Engineering Department
Voice: 605-594-2774
Fax: 605-594-6940
shimitz at usgs.gov

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