R: [Gdal-dev] [ANNOUNCE] gdal debian package at mentors.debian.ne t

Amici Alessandro alessandro_amici at telespazio.it
Mon May 19 04:23:24 EDT 2003


in connection with my effort to get a debian package in shape, i'd like 
to ask you a few questions:
- are you interested (i guess yes, but... better ask :)?
- wuold you spend a minute to double check things like package descriptions,
README.Debian and copyright files, and bless/correct them?

moreover i have three problems with the gdal build system, that you might 
find of general interest:
- [TRIVIAL] stuff under /usr/local/include is installed 0755 (should be 
0644). the same for /usr/local/python?.?/site-packages/, but some python 
files _are_ scripts (so that 0755 is ok) and other are only modules (no 
#!/usr/bin/python) and those should be 0644. Debian build system is very 
picky about these things!
- the 'docs' target is... well 'messy'. expecially on a dial-up system. 
it would be nice to have it cleaned up.
- it wuold be very nice to have a real shared library with soname 
(actually the debian policy mandates it). this has been already 
discussed several times. what is the situation?

hope this is useful,

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