[Gdal-dev] some problems in rasterio

Fu Chen fchen at ne.rsgs.ac.cn
Sat Nov 22 08:07:05 EST 2003

I am reading the code of rasterio.cpp. In the code of IRasterIO, 

    for( iBufYOff = 0; iBufYOff < nBufYSize; iBufYOff++ )
        int     iBufOffset, iSrcOffset;
        dfSrcY = (iBufYOff+0.5) * dfSrcYInc + nYOff;
        iSrcY = (int) dfSrcY;

        iBufOffset = iBufYOff * nLineSpace;

The problem is why there is a 0.5 here. Isn't iBufYOff=0  --> nYOff?

Sometimes i think the IRasterIO should turn its XOff YOff XSize YSize into double, which will make it more accurate when you are doing supersample and extract data by tiles. 

Best regards


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