R: [Gdal-dev] Compile latest cvs under Solaris 2.8

Amici Alessandro alessandro_amici at telespazio.it
Wed Oct 8 06:01:40 EDT 2003


> I'm trying to build latest cvs (gdal-cvs-031007) on my solaris 2.8 box 
> which gives me the following error:

> ld: warning: file 
> /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/3.2.2/../../../libstdc++.so: 
> linked to /usr/local/lib/./libstdc++.so: attempted multiple inclusion of 
> file

this looks like a warning, and hopefully it is innocous.

> Undefined                       first referenced
>  symbol                             in file
> OCICollAppend                       ../.libs/libgdal.so
> OCIErrorGet                         ../.libs/libgdal.so


> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to .libs/ogrinfo
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

the gdal build system is not 100% resistant to changes in the configure
command line options without a 'make clean' in between.

is it possible that you switched on/off the support for oracle without
doing cleaning the build dirs in between? (i cannot test with oracle,
but doing that with jpeg produces errors similar to what you are seeing)

if so please try to 'make distclean', then reconfigure and rebuild.


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