[Gdal-dev] GDAL and Kakadu JPEG2000 performances and
Julien Demaria
dem at acri-st.fr
Tue Sep 9 05:45:39 EDT 2003
>Julien Demaria wrote:
>>First I try with kdu_compress include in binary package ok Kakadu 4.0.3
>>for Windows :
>>time kdu_compress.exe -i RGB.bmp -o RGB_kakadu_compress.jp2 -rate
>>=> 36 seconds
>I am a bit vague on some of the kdu_compress options, but my understanding
>is that -rate 2.85 means produce 2.85 bits per pixel in the compressed file
>which would be equivelent to a quality of roughly 35. Are you sure the
>comparison is equivelent?
Now I have read the kdu_compress help and I understand better the different
options :
the next 2 commands lines I think are the most equivalent as I can (with
the actual GDAL KAKADU options) and give me the same compressed size :
gdal_translate.exe -of JP2KAK -co QUALITY=12 -co LAYERS=1 -co Corder=LRCP
RGB.bmp RGB_kakadu_gdal.jp2
kdu_compress.exe -i win32_executables/RGB.bmp -o RGB_kdu_compress.jp2 -rate
The results in term of performances and quality as the same : GDAL is
slower and the JP2 produced by kdu_compress seems visually better...
The only parameters difference I can see is the Cprecincts option which
isn't used with kdu_compress default options but I can't pass the
Cuse_precincts=no and don't pass the Cprecincts options to GDAL ... (if I
have more time I'll recompile GDAL with a hacked code to test this...).
> Could I get the .jp2 files produced with
>kdu_compress and gdal_translate?
yes :
user : openev
pass : venepo
filenames : RGB_kakadu_gdal.jp2 and RGB_kdu_compress.jp2
size for each : 8 Mo
I'm uploading the 2 files now ; they'll be accessible in 30 minutes I hope.
>Another aspect is that kakadu *may* be converting to YCbCr color space
>which preserves values better than RGB which is the form GDAL will save
>data as.
Is it this option ?
RGB to Luminance-Chrominance conversion?
[Default is to convert 3 component images]
so for my test this option should be activated by kdu_compress
>>Maybe this virtual tiling is the reason ?
>>(I don't know how kdu_compress write the data...)
>This is a read-side thing, and shouldn't have any effect.
oops you're right virtual tiling only affect read... sorry
> Of course,
>there are a huge number of options which can come into play for JPEG2000
>compression, and some of the GDAL ones are no doubt different than the
>kdu_compress defaults.
Yes I understand.
I'm not a JP2 expert but I see only that for my example the kdu_compress
defaults seem work (very) better... (but maybe also kdu_compress provide
some optimizations which aren't provided by the Kakadu library ?)
The parameters differences I can see are :
Clayers : kdu : 1 GDAL : 12
Cprecincts : kdu : no GDAL : yes :
Corder : kdu : LRCP GDAL : PRCL
I think I can obtain same results with GDAL with some efforts ; maybe I'll
work on this if I have more time.
All the best,
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