[Gdal-dev] ./configure setting GEOS_INC without -I

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.com
Mon Aug 9 04:20:07 EDT 2004

Dear dev's,

when using the --with-geos switch, GEOS_INC in GDALmake.opt is set to 
'/usr/local/include'. At which my gcc segfaults because it can't find the 
file /usr/local/include... This can of course be fixed by adding '-I' before 
the '/usr/local/inclue'.

Btw, I suppose gdal's geos support is based on geos-1.0, not on current cvs 
(as they are changing API...)?
 Vincent Schut
 SarVision B.V.
 Wageningen, The Netherlands

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