[Gdal-dev] Help with gdal_merge errors

Julia.Harrell at ncmail.net Julia.Harrell at ncmail.net
Wed Dec 1 13:20:07 EST 2004

Hi GDAL Listers, 

I'm trying to use the gdal_merge distributed with the Windows binary of 
OpenEv_FW_182 to merge a large number of tiled JPEGs with this command line

(most of the filenames were omitted for this example). 

C:\OpenEV_FW\python\python.exe  C:\OpenEV_FW\pymod\gdal_merge.py -o Y:\isa03jpgm\camd_isa03_83m.jpg
-of JPEG  -v 6876.jpg 6877.jpg 6878.jpg 6879.jpg

and I am getting this error message:

'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
ERROR 6: GDALDriver::Create() ... no create method implemented for this format.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\OpenEV_FW\pymod\gdal_merge.py", line 412, in ?
    t_fh.SetGeoTransform( geotransform )
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'SetGeoTransform'

Can someone offer a solution? I'm not well versed enough yet in Python to
figure out (or fix) the error referenced on line 412.

Also, I have PYTHONHOME and OPENEV_DIR env vars set, and added everything

conceivable to my path, but could not get the gdal_merge.bat file to run.

The error I get is "'python' is not recognized as an internal or external

command, operable program or batch file." - so that's why I'm explictly 
calling the python exe and the gdal_merge script. There's got to be a better

way, I just don't know what it is yet. Some advice there would also be 

Thanks for the help,

Julia Harrell

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