[Gdal-dev] Use of GDAL

Norman Barker normanb at comsine.co.uk
Thu Dec 16 06:45:21 EST 2004


though I would write to tell you about an application of GDAL which you
can all use free of charge.

First of all, thanks Frank for all your help, in particular for 
configuring our

We are working  as part of a consortium under the ESA (European Space
Agency) MASS project, and it is a research project to investigate 
of EOS services using SOAP.

We decided to offer to put a SOAP wrapper around two services.  The first
service being gdalwarp (the reprojection service) and the second service 
an orthocorrection service using the python wrappers to GDAL and the very
sexy MapServer WCS for serving SRTM data.

These services can be used individually or chained using the Oracle 
workflow tool.

The reprojection service works exactly the same as gdalwarp, the biggest 
we face is restricting the target projections of gdalwarp for a user to 
meaningful, as it is a free research project we haven't overcome this 
(any ideas?).

The second service used the python api to GDAL and requests a SRTM DEM from
a MapServer WCS in 16 bit geotiff format it then orthocorrects the input 
satellite image
using a similar algorithm to (sun) topographic correction.

To try the reprojection service do the following

1) http://services.eoportal.org
2) Choose Services > Data Conversion > CSLReprojection
3) Fill in the following fields

Input Image : 

Error Threshold:
Sampling method:
nearest neighbour
Warp Polygon Order
Common CRS

Then select target CRS to be WGS84

There are many improvements we could make to the HTML interface, in 
particular the specification of the FTP address,
but in practise, most invocations will be through SOAP in a product chain.

(This is the bit to make my Manager happy!!)
ComSine are a SME based in the UK, happy to take on all work,  both 
commercial and research based, part funded, or
wholly funded, www.comsine.com).

Thanks again to GDAL, a very easy to use and robust product.

Norman Barker

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