R: [Gdal-dev] trivial (?) optimization for gdal.i:GDALReadRaster( )

Alessandro Amici alexamici at fastwebnet.it
Thu Feb 5 07:19:28 EST 2004

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> > but, you are not going to get any speed gain WRT the current cvs. for
> > real zero-copy i had to patch some more files in non trivial and non
> > backward compatible way.
> I understood that. But I *am* going to have the extra numarray
> functionality, like the better array indexing support on gdal loaded raster
> arrays, I suppose?

i guess so, i'm experimenting right now.

if you want to help testing you may try out the attached patch, just define 
the environment variable GDAL_PYTHON_NUMARRAY to anything and you get 
numarray support :).

if it survives to basic testing i can put the patch into cvs.

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