[Gdal-dev] Problems building gdal dll with libtool on MinGW

Thom DeCarlo t.r.decarlo at larc.nasa.gov
Tue Feb 17 11:14:28 EST 2004

The place where I experience problems with static libraries is when I try to
include the Earth Resources Mapping ECW library. It is only available as a
static library and that causes problems when I build the gdal plugin for
OpenSceneGraph. Has anyone solved this?


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrey Kiselev
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 2:16 AM
To: gdal-dev at remotesensing.org
Subject: Re: [Gdal-dev] Problems building gdal dll with libtool on MinGW

> How do I tell the gdal configure to add -lz and -lm when linking?  I
> tried configuring with "--enable-static=libz,libm" but got the same
> complaints and a static lib again. I never used libtool before and the
> doc is very confusing to me... so I don't know what to do next.

All external libraries shoyld be dinamic too. This is not a problem in
case of libz, because it can be simply compiled in (use
--with-zlib=internal option), but if you want to link against libraries,
not included in GDAL distribution, you should build them dinamically.

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