[Gdal-dev] Problems reading grass raster color entry

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Wed Jan 7 09:58:20 EST 2004


I am having problems reading a grass raster layer using gdal. The same routine 
I am having problems with (see snippet below) works fine on a geotiff image. 
I have tested the same file with gdalinfo and it seems to read the palette 
fine. Can anyone see an obvious reason why my code is not working?

Many thanks


    QString colorInterp = 
    //std::cout << "Colour Interpretation for this band is : " << colorInterp 
<< std::endl;
    if ( colorInterp == "Palette") 
      // print each point in scandata using color looked up in color table
      GDALColorTable *colorTable = gdalBand->GetColorTable();
      QImage myQImage=QImage(myLayerXDimInt,myLayerYDimInt,32);
      for (int y = 0; y < myLayerYDimInt; y++) 
        for (int x =0; x < myLayerXDimInt; x++) 
          const GDALColorEntry *colorEntry = GDALGetColorEntry(colorTable, 
scandata[y*myLayerXDimInt + x]);
          //dont draw this point if it is no data !
          if (myNoDataDouble != scandata[y*myLayerXDimInt + x])
            int myRedValueInt=0; //color 1 int
            int myGreenValueInt=0; //color 2 int
            int myBlueValueInt=0; //color 3 int
            //check for alternate color mappings
            if (redBandNameQString=="Red") myRedValueInt=colorEntry->c1;

Last line fails on this : myRedValueInt=colorEntry->c1;
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