[Gdal-dev] GDAL: projection data not copying completely

Kyler Laird Kyler at Lairds.com
Wed Jun 30 15:40:53 EDT 2004

It's been reported that GeoTIFF images I create using GDAL are unusable
by some applications.

The issue seems to be projection data.  As a test, I tried to create a
new GeoTIFF from an existing one, using the existing image's projection
	a = gdal.Open('/tmp/a.tif')

	b = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(
		a.RasterXSize, a.RasterYSize,
		3, gdal.GDT_Byte,
		[ 'TILED=YES' ]


Performing a diff on the output of listgeo for each of these images, I
see the culprit(s).
	<       ProjNatOriginLongGeoKey (Double,1): -89
	<       ProjFalseOriginLongGeoKey (Double,1): 0
	>       ProjFalseEastingGeoKey (Double,1): 0
	>       ProjFalseNorthingGeoKey (Double,1): 0
	>       ProjFalseOriginLongGeoKey (Double,1): -89
	<       ProjFalseOriginEastingGeoKey (Double,1): 0
	<       ProjFalseOriginNorthingGeoKey (Double,1): 0

Any ideas on how to get GDAL to fully copy the existing settings?

Thank you.


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