[Gdal-dev] GDAL 1.2.0 Beta Release - Error

Lorenzo Moretti lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it
Wed Mar 3 13:55:14 EST 2004

>I do not believe that GDAL is reading the bands in the wrong order.  It is
>reading the bands in the order they occur in the original file.  The original
>file is also marked as RGB photometric interpretation if it is like the other
>quickbird files I have encountered.  The problem is that the original files
>are not setup for proper identification of band mappings.
>If you have a full GDAL installation then my method would work fine.  If not
>then use GRASS methods to reorder the bands.  I believe that the bands are
>imported as seperate raster layers, and a composite image object created
>for them.  It should be possible to create a new image object with different
>band orderings.
>Statements like "This method must be more simple." get under my skin.  I am
>willing to do alot to make GDAL operate effectively and usefully.  However,
>there are limits to what I am going do to make up for screwball data products
>and there are also limits to what I can accomplish with regard to GRASS from
>a single import program (r.in.gdal).  I don't appreciate people telling me
>what I must do, not even my wife!

OK Excuse me for method but I want to understand.

In old gdal 1.1.8 I had the tiff files with number suffix

and after I choose the order for my BGR (blue-red-green for 
quickbird). I choose 321 for my output.

 From gdal 1.1.9 the tiff file have a color suffix.

and I must change the name of 2 files.
I read the QuickBird specification and the bands are blue, green, red.

With the number suffix I worked with GDAL and GRASS like  ENVI for 
RGB images...


||      Lorenzo Moretti        e-mail: lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it     
||/|/|  ENEA prot              Web: http://wwwamb.bologna.enea.it/    
||   |  via Don Fiammelli, 2   FTP: ftp://ftpamb.bologna.enea.it/ (ris.)
~~~~~~  40128 BOLOGNA - ITALY  Ph: +39-0516098086  Fax: +39-0516098131

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