[SPAM] - RE: [Gdal-dev] Bathymetry data... - Email found in subject

IMD Listuser imd_listuser at comcast.net
Wed Mar 24 21:43:56 EST 2004

Which format does img2latlongrd.c produce? Netcdf?

I don't believe that gdal_translate supports netcdf? Does it?

Im running a recent version of gdal. Here is some output:

GDAL, released 2003/06/27

The following format drivers are configured and support output:
  VRT: Virtual Raster
  GTiff: GeoTIFF
  NITF: National Imagery Transmission Format
  HFA: Erdas Imagine Images (.img)
  AAIGrid: Arc/Info ASCII Grid
  DTED: DTED Elevation Raster
  PNG: Portable Network Graphics
  MEM: In Memory Raster
  GIF: Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
  BSB: Maptech BSB Nautical Charts
  XPM: X11 PixMap Format
  BMP: MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap
  PCIDSK: PCIDSK Database File
  PNM: Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm)
  ENVI: ENVI .hdr Labelled
  EHdr: ESRI .hdr Labelled
  PAux: PCI .aux Labelled
  MFF: Atlantis MFF Raster
  MFF2: Atlantis MFF2 (HKV) Raster
  BT: VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format
  FIT: FIT Image

Any ideas where netcdf fits?


Charlie Van Dusen
charlie at im-design.net

-----Original Message-----
From: gdal-dev-admin at remotesensing.org
[mailto:gdal-dev-admin at remotesensing.org] On Behalf Of Norman Vine
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:13 PM
To: gdal-dev at remotesensing.org
Subject: [SPAM] - RE: [Gdal-dev] Bathymetry data... - Email found in

IMD Listuser writes:
> I would like to be able to use a global bathymetric data set stored in

> a format which I am unfamiliar with and wondering if GDAL supports it.
> The url to the data set is:
> ftp://topex.ucsd.edu/pub/global_topo_2min/
> The file is topo_8.2.img and there appears to be a header 
> topo_8.2.img.ers which refers to an ERStaorage format. Ive tried using

> gdalinfo to retrieve info about the file, but I receive an error to 
> the effect of 'not an HFA file'.
> Ideally I would like to move this data into GeoTIFF format.

Use this program to translate into a latlon netcdf file

and then use gdaltranslate 

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