[Gdal-dev] Re: how to extract data from OGR

Jacob Bensabat jbensabat at ewre.com
Tue May 18 04:14:49 EDT 2004

I have now a conceptual question. I went over the file you have posted and what I see is that you have defined other containers for 
processing the data stored in the OGR layers.  What is the rationale for that ?
Would it be justified to use directly OGR ? If not what is the reason ?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jacob Bensabat 
  Newsgroups: gmane.comp.gis.gdal.devel
  Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 4:16 PM
  Subject: how to extract data from OGR

  I have started to use gdal and OGR and I have the following question,
  I am loading a mapinfo map into a OGR structure, and I would like to be able to access all its components (lines, polygon, points ).
  The problem is that except functions like DumpReadable, I do not see any public method in the code
  that allows access to the data. 

  Am I missing something ? Is there a way to get to the data ?
  an example (s) or pointer to examples would be very welcome.
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