[Gdal-dev] Re: Re: how to extract data from OGR
Frank Warmerdam
warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu May 20 01:18:16 EDT 2004
L Pool wrote:
> Ok. Now for something totally unrelated - this is a question for pretty much
> anyone who can help me out with a little bit of knowledge on Geographic
> Projections in GDAL.
> I've written a few Geographic conversions for certain Projection
> Algorithms - but the maths that I wrote them from does not have parameters
> for "False Eastings" and "Fast Northings" which the OGRSpatialReference
> class definitely has. E.g.
> Albers Conic Equal Area:
> OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetACEA ( double dfStdP1,
> double dfStdP2,
> double dfCenterLat,
> double dfCenterLong,
> double dfFalseEasting,
> double dfFalseNorthing
> )
> you have your Standard Parallels and the Center Lat/Long pair (which is all
> I use in my projection algorithm) - but where do the False Easting and False
> Northing params come from? I know what an Easting and a Northing is - I
> don't know how it fits into the projection algorithm tho. Does it have to do
> with your own Cartesian reference?
False eastings and northings are just extra offsets added to the projected
coordinates. This is normally done to ensure that all numbers in the area
of interest will be positive to avoid "sign issues". For instance, UTM
coordinate systems have a false easting of 500000. Normally after converting
a location to transverse mercator any location west of the central meridian
would be negative. But by adding 500000 meters, the designers of the projection
ensure that all eastings will be positive within the area of the zone itself.
The implementation is simple, and it only exists to make reading and
transmiting map coordinates (by humans) less error prone.
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
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