[Gdal-dev] Decoding headers in a MIF file

Jacob Bensabat jbensabat at ewre.com
Fri May 21 04:54:40 EDT 2004

Hello to all
I am using OGR to read a Mapinfo MIF file. I can read all the data but I
have problems
decoding the header. I am interested in getting the extent of the map.
Here is the relevant part of the header

Version 300
charset "Windows"
Delimiter ","
Index 5,6
CoordSys NonEarth Units "km" Bounds (-999, -999) (999, 999)

Using OGRSpatialReference, I am unable to get the map extent - I am getting
huge number that have nothing
to do with the ones in the MIF file.

any help would be appreciated.

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