[Gdal-dev] GDAL 1.2.4 Released

Andrey Kiselev dron at ak4719.spb.edu
Sun Nov 14 14:49:19 EST 2004

On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 10:27:02AM +0100, Lorenzo Moretti wrote:
> I have an error in configure:
> .....
> checking if local/include already standard... no, everything is ok
> configure: creating ./config.status
> config.status: creating GDALmake.opt
> sed: 15: ./confstattkg4ks/subs-3.sed: unescaped newline inside 
> substitute pattern
> config.status: creating port/cpl_config.h
> ......
> Configure creates an empty file (GDALmake.opt)
> I see old 1.2.3 GDALmake.opt.in file and the only difference is MySQL
> part.

I'm falling in the same problem. The bug is in the configure script.

Frank, what MySQL version do you using? My version of mysql_config
script (from MySQL 3.23.56) does not have the '-include' switch. It has
'--cflags' switch instead. I'm suspect it is pretty old, perhaps we
should check for version (and mysql_config has special option for that)
and reject using such old libraries? I can't compile the driver with
that library anyway.

Also I think that the line 

AC_ARG_WITH(pg,[  --with-mysql[=ARG]      Include MySQL (ARG=path to mysql_config)],,)

should look like

AC_ARG_WITH(mysql,[  --with-mysql[=ARG]      Include MySQL (ARG=path to mysql_config)],,)

I'm not fixing that myself, don't know whether I'm completely right on
this issue.


Andrey V. Kiselev
Home phone:  +7 812 5970603  ICQ# 26871517

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