[Gdal-dev] ogr2ogr Datum Shift

Randy Page randy.page at terraverge.com
Mon Oct 18 21:55:33 EDT 2004

Hi All,


I am using ogr2ogr to convert street data from GDT/Tiger format to PostGIS.
In the process, I would like to convert the data from GCS NAD27 to GCS
NAD83.   Below is a sample command line string I am using:


ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=tiger host=localhost" d:\usa\06\06047
-where "cfcc like 'A%'" -lco OVERWRITE=yes -s_srs epsg:4267 -t_srs epsg:4269
-nln datumTest CompleteChain


When I execute this, I get the following error:

Error 1: failed to load NAD27-83 correction file

Failed to transform feature 46.

Error 1:  Terminationg translation prematurely after failed translation of
layer CompleteChain


Any suggestions as to what might be wrong here?


Thanks in advance,




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