[Gdal-dev] Problem with reading GXF files?

Mark Coletti mcoletti at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 18:18:45 EDT 2004

I'm having difficulties reading a GXF file in qgis.  Part of the
problem seems to be in calculating the minimum and maximum values.

For example:

qgsrasterlayer.cpp : 2062 myGdalBand->GetMinimum() failed
qgsrasterlayer.cpp : 2070 myGdalBand->GetMaximum() failed
GDALminium:     -4.29497e+09
GDALmaxium:     4.29497e+09

By "failed" I mean that the pbSuccess flag was set to zero with each
of those function calls.  However, the documentation for those
functions is a bit unclear as to exactly what it means with the
pbSuccess flag is zero.

    pointer to a boolean to use to indicate if the returned value
    is a tight maximum or not. May be NULL (default).

What is a "tight maximum?"

I've made the test file available at:



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