[Gdal-dev] what does gdal-grass provide?

Jack Varga jvarga at boulder.net
Thu Feb 3 11:10:35 EST 2005

What exactly does gdal-grass provide?  How/where do I get the latest 
version (assuming I need it)?

I'm experiencing odd behavior in qgis 0.6.0 when trying to load grass 
vector data and I was told that's because I compiled gdal with 
libgrass(51) and not with grass directly.  Its the old 'which came first 
syndrome, the chicken (gdal) or the egg (grass).  That is, you need gdal 
to build grass, but you need grass to build gdal, unless, (at least I 
thought), you build gdal with libgrass.

FWIW, in case this helps anyone, (or someone knows better than I), the 
symptom one will see in this scenario is qgis crashes with...

error_routine (fatal = 1): GISRC - variable not set


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