[Gdal-dev] FWtools and ogrinfo

jluis at ualg.pt jluis at ualg.pt
Tue Mar 29 10:32:48 EST 2005

> This generally means there is an older set of ECW DLLs in
> your windows\system32 directory and they are taking
> precidence over the ones in FWTools\bin.  You could (temporarily)
> remove your NCS DLLs from windows\system32 to correct this.
> I hope to compile the ECW DLLs myself for win32 with a distinct
> name in the future.

Thanks. Indeed I compiled once ECW and had no idea that the DLLs were
still there.

>> 2. I tried to read vmap0 with ogrinfo but I get an error with
>> "Unable to open datasource ..."
>> However, I compiled gdal with the OGDI driver (it appears reported)
>> If I do the same in the FWTools shell window it works. So I guess
>> the problem must be related with the compiling options of OGDI. I used this
>> TARGET = win32
>> OGDIDIR =       D:\programas\ogdi-3.1.4
>> OGDIVER =       31
>> OGDILIB =       $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \
>>                 $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib
>> Is there anything else that must be added?
>> BTW, I had to define the TARGET variable because it did not exist.
> I'm not sure why this isn't working for you.  Does OGDI show up in the
> format list if you do "ogrinfo.exe --formats"?

Yes, and that's what puzzled me
D:\>ogrinfo --formats
Loaded OGR Format Drivers:
   -> "ESRI Shapefile" (read/write)
   -> "UK .NTF" (readonly)
   -> "SDTS" (readonly)
   -> "TIGER" (read/write)
   -> "S57" (read/write)
   -> "MapInfo File" (read/write)
   -> "DGN" (read/write)
   -> "VRT" (readonly)
   -> "AVCBin" (readonly)
   -> "REC" (readonly)
   -> "Memory" (read/write)
   -> "CSV" (read/write)
   -> "GML" (read/write)
   -> "ODBC" (read/write)
   -> "OGDI" (readonly)



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