[Gdal-dev] Worldfile from SuperEdit + rotated images problems
Mateusz Łoskot
mateusz at loskot.net
Thu Nov 10 12:44:55 EST 2005
Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On 11/7/05, Mateusz Łoskot <mateusz at loskot.net> wrote:
>>0.00000000000000 - x-scale
>>0.84666666666667 - rotation
>>0.84666666666667 - --//--
>>0.00000000000000 - y-scale
>>594958.12740300002000 - Easting and
>>373303.90045100002000 - Northing of the upper left pixel
> Mateusz,
> The above would seem to imply that the "top left" corner
> of the raw TIFF file is the south-west corner, is that correct?
Thank you very much for your replay.
Yes, the top-left corner - in Poland CS92 - in south-west corner.
>>And here comes the problem. When I open test.tif in ArcExplorer or QGIS I
>>don't see anything.
>>Raster is not displayed but also I get no error message.
>>So it seems GeoTIFF output is broken here.
> Many applications do not support GeoTIFF files that are not
> north-up.
Yes, I've had that in mind. Well, almost ;-)
> QGIS uses GDAL to read the image, but may still not
> support files with non-zero rotational coefficients. You would need
> to contact the QGIS team to deal with that.
Sure, I'll do it.
> I can't speak for ArcGIS.
My colleague uses ArcGIS 9 and it supports rotated images well.
But if I open my JPG/JGW test file it works well. Then, I use
gdal_translate to translate this JPG/JGW to GeoTIFF and then ArcGIS
displayes that new GeoTIFF not-rotated, but JPG is displayed correctly.
> You might want to try loading it in OpenEV which I know
> supports rotated images properly.
I'll try to do it tomorrow. Thanks.
> It should change it to north up on the fly.
> But if you want to "apply the rotation" or more accurately to
> "unrotate" the image you can use gdalwarp.
> eg.
> gdalwarp test.tif test_unrotated.tif
That's great, I've not idea I can use gdalwarp to "unrotate" images.
I'll test it tomorrow.
>>My questions are:
>>1. Is this worldfile (JGW) generated by SuperEdit correct?
> I presume so, though it is hard for me know.
I understand it.
>>2. If not, does anybody know what is this format used by SuperEdit?
>>3. Is there any way to rerotate rotated images so, then I could use 0.0
>>rotation components?
> My suggestion is gdalwarp'ing the image with the existing world file.
> But of course lots of image editing tools will provide 90 degree rotations.
> Photoshop, Gimp, ImageMagick, etc.
OK, as I said above, I'll test to gdalwarp my image.
Thanks Frank for your help.
I believe you don't mind I'll post on the list about results tomorrow.
Mateusz Łoskot
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