[Gdal-dev] Oracle-bindings

Bart van den Eijnden BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.NL
Wed Nov 16 08:20:05 EST 2005

Hi Stephan,

AFAIK Oracle accepts connections from within the same network by default. Is port 1521 not blocked by a firewall by any chance? Can you telnet to it? I had problems with the Windows XP firewall when trying to connect to an Oracle database in my internal network.

If you have a full Oracle client installed, there is a utility called tnsping which you can use to try and ping the database server.

Otherwise, try and use a tnsnames.ora file. Make sure you have the environment variable TNS_ADMIN set to the directory in which the tnsnames.ora file resides. You then connect using user/pwd at tnsname.

Example tnsnames.ora file:

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = P0676)(PORT = 1521))

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
Syncera IT Solutions
Postbus 270
2600 AG  DELFT

tel.nr.: 015-7512436
email: BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.nl
>>> Stephan Holl <sholl at gmx.net> 11/16/05 1:51 PM >>>
Dear List,

I am trying to force OGR to read layer-information out of
oracle-spatial on a remote maschine.
With reference to the oracle-specific site[1] I tried the given example
and adopted to my needs, but it did not work.

ogrinfo -ro OCI:user/pw at
Unable to open datasource `OCI' with the following drivers.

which gave me an error. When I am on the localhost-maschine, where
oracle is installed, everything works nicely and I get the list of

Since I am no oracle-guru (first installation) I am wondering if I need
to configure oracle to accept conncetions from within the internal
network and from other maschines. Perhaps someone can give me a hint
where to look at.

TIA for any pointers.


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