[Gdal-dev] Processing MOLA and MOC data?

Trent M Hare thare at usgs.gov
Wed Oct 19 12:08:13 EDT 2005

We have written a PDS plug-in for GDAL but have not released it because 
there are still questions about supporting planetary coordinate systems. 
And even though PDS is a "standard" there are many differences in the 
various catalogs because it supports so many different instruments. You 
also have to be a little careful because there are also many 
inconsistencies with the labels (especially when it comes to the 
registration parameters). You will also find that most PDS images are in 
their original raw (unprojected) space. This means you really need 
speciality software like USGS's ISIS or JPL's VICAR to process it first.

So to get users started with PDS images we have a released a very simple 
PERL script to read map projected PDS images and write out various GIS 
headers. The easiest for GDAL is to use the "-p" options when using the 
pds2world.pl script, which generates a PCI Aux header file. The *.aux file 
created can then be read and converted by GDAL.



> > Can gdal import/convert the Mars Global Surveyor data? It is in 
> > something
> > called either NASA PDS or MOQ format.
> Yes.
>    http://zcologia.com/news/39

see also

"Global dataset of bathymetry and topography." GRASS Newsletter vol. 1

(I know it's not GDAL, but the article lists the binary format & I
didn't want to be outdone) ;)

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