[Gdal-dev] Question on using ogr-perl module
wolfgang.qual at gmx.net
Thu Apr 6 06:53:28 EDT 2006
Hello Ari,
great! Thanks again for your help. For GRASS-vectorlayers, I had to write this
for the
'directory': /home/wqual/grassdata/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector/archsites/head';
Am Mittwoch 05 April 2006 pH:01:20 nachmittags/abends schrieb Ari Jolma:
> wqual kirjoitti:
> > Hi list, I would like to get the fieldnames of a given attribute
> > table using the perl-module ogr. It is possible to obtain the number
> > of layers of my dataset (with GetLayerCount, see below), but I do not
> > succeed in using other commands like GetLayerDefn, GetFeature (see
> > result below). Is there a simple way to get the attribute fieldnames?
> > Any comments/ideas are most welcome!
> I have a dialog box in my Gtk2::Ex::Geo modules:
> http://map.hut.fi/PerlForGeoinformatics/OGROpen.png
> The code behind the dialog box opens a datasource (for example a
> directory or database), lists the layers, and, when asked, gives the
> schema. The code for this dialog box is here
> http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/libral/Gtk2-Ex-Geo/lib/Gtk2/Ex/Geo/OG
> The code for getting the attribute field names is this (from sub
> fill_property_and_schema_tvs):
> my $schema = $layer->GetLayerDefn();
> my $n = $schema->GetFieldCount();
> my %data;
> for my $i (0..$n-1) {
> my $c = $schema->GetFieldDefn($i);
> $data{$c->GetName} = $c->GetFieldTypeName($c->GetType);
> }
> There is also a dialog box for the attribute table:
> http://map.hut.fi/PerlForGeoinformatics/features_dialog.png
> The code for this dialog box is in the same file as above, see sub
> browse_features and a few subs below it. There are examples of using
> GetFeature.
> Ari
> > Best regards, Wolfgang
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