[Gdal-dev] srtm warping question

heinsm mike_alias at heins.ca
Thu Apr 13 11:17:30 EDT 2006

Thanks Frank. I was wondering the differences between Int16 and CInt16.  I
see now in OpenEV it shows complex coordinates.

Anyways, great news!  --(you're going to laugh at this solution).  The
problem all along was that I wasn't reprojecting into an appropriate utm
zone.  Should have been using zone ~19 for the reprojection of N43W71.

the reprojection now works flawlessly...

For furture user searches here are my BIL HDRs and commandlines I used for
SRTM N43W71:
1. rename SRTM .hgt to .bil
2. create .hdr with same filename as SRTM to describe the ESRI binary format
and to help georeference the raster

(for example N43W71.hdr it would be:)
BYTEORDER           M
LAYOUT              BIL
NROWS               1201
NCOLS               1201
NBANDS              1
NBITS               16
BANDROWBYTES        2402
NODATA              -32768
ULXMAP              -70.99958333333333
ULYMAP              43.999583333333333
XDIM                0.000833333333333
YDIM                0.000833333333333

3. Create appropriate .prj file with same filename to describe source

(for example N43W71.prj it would be:)

4. use gdalwarp to warp original BIL into target BIL coordinate projection
(for exampe, I used the follow to project into utm zone 19 --ensure a
physically close zone is choosen otherwise reprojection may be rendered
outside of the image;  giving you a result of all nulls/black)

gdalwarp -of EHdr -t_srs "+proj=utm +zone=19 +datum=WGS84" -ot Int16
c:\srtmtest\N43W071.bil c:\srtmtest\oututm.bil

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/srtm-warping-question-t1432737.html#a3902465
Sent from the GDAL - Dev forum at Nabble.com.

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