[Gdal-dev] Infrastructure developments for GDAL

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Tue Apr 18 14:57:28 EDT 2006

Howard Butler wrote:
> Trac example for GDAL <http://gdal.hobu.net/trac.gdal/> <-- click
> "View Tickets" to see bugs imported from bugzilla and "Browse Source"
> to see the GDAL CVS tree imported into subversion.  Trac integrates
> wiki, source code browsing, and bug reporting into one entity.  It is
> also relatively straightforward to write your own plugins to Trac to
> do interesting things.

I think it could be interesting to integrate buildbot reports with Trac.
I see a few possible [1] levels of integration:

- simple - Buildbot reports are linked to or presented
directly on Trac pages

- deep - buildbot could run regression tests for every GDAL module and
in case of failures, it could submit a Ticket proposal automatically.
It would better integrate the cycle of
change-build-check-report bug-change, so every issue goes through Trac.
I am not sure if this is a good plan for GDAL project. Simply, just an

[1] Saying "possible", I don't mean I know such plugins ready to use.

> Buildbot example for GDAL <http://gdal.builds.hobu.net> <-- nightly
> (and on-demand) builds of GDAL for linux, windows, and osx.

Is it possible to generate detailed reports from GDAL unit tests?
As example, here are reports generated for Boost tests:


Detailed "Developer report":

Example for Boost Array library:

I'm not sure what software Boost uses to run tests but I hope
buildbot allows to write your own test runner to customize reports output.

> Do/will they fit GDAL's development process?

I think so.

Mateusz Łoskot

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