[Gdal-dev] Infrastructure developments for GDAL

Alessandro Amici lists at b-open-solutions.it
Fri Apr 21 05:36:53 EDT 2006


Alle 20:42, martedì 18 aprile 2006, Mateusz Łoskot ha scritto:
> Regarding backlinks, there is a way to add them:
> http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/wiki/TracFaq#how-do-i-see-all-pages

bug #611 (http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/ticket/611) preatty much 
summarizes what i was thinking to (an explicit macro is not the best 

> Regarding categorization of Wiki pages, Trac Tags should help:
> http://dev.muness.textdriven.com/trac.cgi/wiki/tags

this looks promising i'm evaluating it right now.

thanks for the hints,

B-Open Solutions srl - http://www.bopen.it/

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