[Gdal-dev] Re: GDAL for windows CE

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sun Apr 30 18:32:02 EDT 2006

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
>>> As far as getting the stable source from CVS, I need to speak to the
>>> people in my IT Dept to enable the port for CVS. That is probably why
>>> I get the reply: Unknown host cvs.maptools.org
>> Yes, CVS requires to have specific 21xx (I'm not sure) port open.
>> I had to ask my admin in my company to open it on the proxy too :-)
> Folks,
> Note that nightly CVS snapshots are prepared and dropped in:
>  http://gdal.maptools.org/dl/daily

Thanks! I've completely forgot about this URL.

Mateusz Łoskot

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