[Gdal-dev] SetField & GetExtents Query

Ben Crane crane_ba at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 18 10:49:12 EDT 2006


> If I remember correctly, the extents coordinates are
> called minx, miny, 
> maxx, maxy in the array, so if your extents are
> stored in $extent_var, 
> you could assign the values to std PHP vars using
> something like:
> $minx = $extent_var['minx'];
> $miny = $extent_var['miny'];
> $maxx = $extent_var['maxx'];
> $maxy = $extent_var['maxy'];

Funny, I've already tried that and it didn't work. I
couldn't get it to print out the variable on the
screen when testing so I figure I was doing something
wrong and thought best to ask.                        

Ben Crane

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