[Gdal-dev] Need Help with ogr2ogr Import Shapefile Error

Bill Thoen bthoen at gisnet.com
Mon Dec 4 13:38:49 EST 2006

On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 10:11:18AM -0800, Frances Collier wrote:
> After running the ogr2ogr command, it created a table, correct? What's the
> geometry of the table? I've had this problem before and it was because the
> "enforce_geotype_wkb_geometry" was set to "Polygon". I had to change the
> table to "enforce_geotype_wkb_geometry=multipolygon". 

That seems to be the problem. I recreated the database and loaded the table
again (but this time I used the -nlt switch set to MULTIPOLYGON) and it
looks like it loaded without errors. 

But now I can't access the table! Is there something about this table name
it doesn't like? Why can't I display the table structure or select anything
from this table?

(BTW, notice that it uses lowercase letters in one of the error messages,
but not both.)

clu=# \d
                    List of relations
 Schema |            Name             |   Type   | Owner
 public | clu_001ilna04_U             | table    | bthoen
 public | clu_001ilna04_U_ogc_fid_seq | sequence | bthoen
 public | geometry_columns            | table    | bthoen
 public | spatial_ref_sys             | table    | bthoen
(4 rows)

clu=# \d clu_001ilna04_U
Did not find any relation named "clu_001ilna04_U".
clu=# select * from clu_001ilna04_U;
ERROR:  relation "clu_001ilna04_u" does not exist

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