[Gdal-dev] ecw

ivan marchesini marchesini at unipg.it
Fri Jan 6 05:14:44 EST 2006

Hi list...
I have tried to compile the gdal.1.3.1  against the ecwsdk.3.1
downloaded from http://www.gdal.org/dl/

I have a system with debian testing-unstable (a mix)
I have already installed GrassGis against gdal (without ecw)
and now I try to compile the gdal libraries with ecw support
these are the steps:

  ./configure --with-grass=/usr/local/grass-6.1.cvs/
GDAL is now configured for i686-pc-linux-gnu

  Installation directory:    /usr/local
  C compiler:                gcc -O2
  C++ compiler:              g++ -O2

  LIBTOOL support:           yes

  LIBZ support:              external
  GRASS support:             grass57+
  CFITSIO support:           no
  PCRaster support:          internal
  NETCDF support:            no
  LIBPNG support:            external
  LIBTIFF support:           external
  LIBGEOTIFF support:        internal
  LIBJPEG support:           external
  LIBGIF support:            internal
  OGDI support:              no
  HDF4 support:              yes
  HDF5 support:              no
  KAKADU support:            no
  JASPER support:            yes (GeoJP2=no)
  ECW support:               yes
  MrSID support:             no
  POSTGRESQL support:        yes
  MySQL support:             no
  XERCES support:            no
  ODBC support:              no
  OCI support:               no
  DODS support:              no
  SQLite support:            no
  GEOS support:              yes

  Statically link PROJ.4:    no

  Traditional Python:        no
  NG SWIG Bindings:

  enable OGR building:       yes

It seems all ok!!!!
then "make" but I obtain this error:

 make[2]: Entering directory
/bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=compile g++ -Wall  -O2   -I../../port
 -I../../alg -I../../ogr -I../../ogr/ogrsf_frmts -DFRMT_ecw -I../../port
/ivan/Documents/GRASS/GDAL/ecwsdk-3.1.25Jan05-linux/include  -c
-o ../o/ecwdatas
et.o ecwdataset.cpp
 g++ -Wall -O2 -I../../port -I../../gcore -I../../alg -I../../ogr
rsf_frmts -DFRMT_ecw -I../../port
5Jan05-linux/include -c ecwdataset.cpp  -fPIC -DPIC
-o ../o/.libs/ecwdataset.o
h:820: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'CNCSJPCResample' with no
h:820: error: expected ';' before '*' token
32: warning: 'class CNCSJPCPacket' has virtual functions but non-virtual
make[2]: *** [../o/ecwdataset.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [ecw-install-obj] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [frmts-target] Error 2

Can someone help me to solve this problem????
thank you very much for your help!!!

Ivan Marchesini
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Perugia
Via G. Duranti 93/a 
Perugia (Italy)
e-mail: marchesini at unipg.it
        ivan.marchesini at gmail.com
tel: +39(0)755853760
fax: +39(0)755853756

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