[Gdal-dev] proj4/wkt --> epsg

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon Jul 10 06:53:05 EDT 2006

Shoaib Burq wrote:
> Hi, I was just wondering if there is a way to programatically convert
> proj4 or wkt to and EPSG code in OSR?

One of possibilities I see is to import SRS to OGRSpatialReference:

char* pszWkt = "..."; // put here your SRS WKT definition

OGRSpatialReference srs;
srs.exportToWkt( &pszWkt );

const char* pszTarget = 0;
const char* pszAuthName = 0;
const char* pszAuthCode = 0;

if (srs.IsProjected())
   pszTarget = "PROJCS";
   pszTarget = "GEOGCS";

pszAuthName = srs.GetAuthorityName( pszTarget );
if( NULL != pszAuthName )
   if( EQUAL( pszAuthName, "EPSG" ) )
      pszAuthCode = srs.GetAuthorityCode( pszTarget );
      if( NULL != pszAuthCode )
           // Here is the epsg code
           int epsg = atoi(pszAuthCode);

Similarly, you should be able to import SRS from PROJ.4 definition using

I've not compiled this code above, it is a copy&paste with small
modifications from ogr/ogr2gmlgeometry.cpp file, starting from line 235
where I retrieve EPSG code to save it as a value of srsName - GML

I hope it helps or may be anyone knows a better way?

Mateusz Loskot

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