[Gdal-dev] Introducing myself and obtaining MBR geometry for TAB files

Ben Crane crane_ba at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 17 08:33:12 EDT 2006

Hello all,

Just subscribed to this list after using PHP_PGR
within Mapserver. What a great library that is! Of
course I do have a question or two:

Question 1: I am reading MapInfo TAB files. So far so
good, I can read the geometry and create SVG files
from it. One thing I cannot do is get the MBR (Minimum
Bounding Rectangle) of the data. I need to know what
geometry frames the data so I can use it within SVG as
part of the viewbox command. Does anyone know of the
PHP class/function that can pick up how much "space"
(ie, min x,y - max x,y of the dataset) the TAB vector
data actually takes up?

Question 1: A bit of a mixer. I want to use AJAX
technology to pass values back to a PHP script update
the TAB file without needing the page refreshed (page
refresh is optional so that the user can make several
edits and then refresh all at once rather than having
to refresh after every update)...I could use a
seperate PHP script, but wondered whether it would

Thank you,


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