[Gdal-dev] Additional questions regarding PHP_OGR (Not sure if it
went through)
Ben Crane
crane_ba at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 26 05:23:07 EDT 2006
Hi all, I'm resending this in case it didn't get
Thanx you all for the response, I have a few more
questions from working on it last night if you
guys/gals don't mind?
Question 1:
Okay, so if I loaded a TAB file into the php script,
made a physical copy of it (using php copy command),
renamed it-would I be able to edit the copied file? Or
would I need to go through the php_ogr code to create
a new layer and copy the data across? I am trying to
reduce the number of calculations being performed by
the script to aid speed.
Question 2:
Does the SHP driver allow update/write of existing
files? I don't mind making a copy of the file to work
on, but I'd rather not...I can work in SHP or TAB file
Question 3:
I have tried to use OGR_L_GetExtents. I had no idea
what it meant by "psExtent - the structure in which
the extent value will be returned." so I used a
standard variable (since it just indicated it needed a
container?) in it's place. It did return an object,
but how do I actually access the 2 coordinate sets?
Question 4:
Question 3 brings me to another point. Is there any
additional information on functions and their
parameters? Some of very simple, but there are some
where I don't quite understand what the functions are
actually looking for? I have the php code that comes
with ms4w-very helpful in many cases, but doesn't have
code for some of the smaller, less used functions.
Question 5:
I currently do not have an internet connection at
home. Is there a downloadable copy of all the OGR API
information found on the DOxygen website?
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