[Gdal-dev] fun with projections -- GCS to AEA

Neil Best nbest at speakeasy.net
Fri Jun 16 11:22:15 EDT 2006

Hello all and happy Friday.  I have been working on something that isn't
coming out quite right so I though I would write it up for my own sanity
and share it in case someone was inclined to look it over.

I have a .shp of US counties in an unknown GCS.  QGIS assumes a WGS84,
good enough for me -- EPSG:4326 it is.  I need 50-mile buffers for each
county and my research tells me that whether I use GRASS or PostGIS I
need by base data to be projected into some cartesian units because the
buffer functions use map units.  Looks like a job for ogr2ogr.

But what projection?  Further digging indicated that an Albers
Equal-Area Conic is a good choice when working with the full extent of
the states.  I found some clues at (1), (2), and (3).  Neither OGR nor
QGIS seem to have any EPSG:9822 so I take this to be a general
transformation without the specific parameters.

So I wrote:

> g.proj -w proj4='+proj=aea +units=mi +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 \
    +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lon_0=-96' > aeaUS.wkt

# aeaUS.wkt attached

> ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs aeaUS.wkt temp usagen counties
> ogrinfo -so temp counties > counties_aea.ogrinfo

# counties_aea.ogrinfo attached

What concerns me are the extents reported by ogrinfo:
Extent: (-6293474.061879, 2670863.569639) - (2256278.441196,

8.5 million miles wide?  I don't think so.

When I set a custom projection in QGIS using the same proj4 string and
add the original unprojected layer I see this metadata for the layer:

Geometry type of the features in this layer : Polygon
The number of features in this layer : 3140
In layer spatial reference system units : xMin,yMin -178.215,18.9248 :
xMax,yMax -66.9698,71.4066
In project spatial reference system units : xMin,yMin -4903.87,1195.6 :
xMax,yMax 1937.56,5684.6
Layer Spatial Reference System:
+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs 
Project (Output) Spatial Reference System:
+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0
+ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=mi

~ 6800 miles wide -- that's more like it.  Cook County, IL (Chicago) is
about 50 miles north to south.  It's about 160 miles from Chicago to
Indianapolis as the crow flies.  I can live with that, but I need a
projected layer on disk, not just QGIS doing it on the fly.

When I open the ogr-generated .shp in a new QGIS project I get 

Geometry type of the features in this layer : Polygon
The number of features in this layer : 3140
In layer spatial reference system units : xMin,yMin -6.29347e
+06,2.67086e+06 : xMax,yMax 2.25628e+06,8.55783e+06
In project spatial reference system units : xMin,yMin -6.29347e
+06,2.67086e+06 : xMax,yMax 2.25628e+06,8.55783e+06
Layer Spatial Reference System:
+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0
+ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=mi
Project (Output) Spatial Reference System:
+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0
+ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=mi

Cook County is now over 77,000 miles long!

Q: Is this a good choice of projections?

Q: What is ogr trying to tell me?  Am I using it properly, particularly
the +units flag?  Do I need some kind of explicit scale factor?

Q: Is there an easier way to manipulate / generate .prj's and .wkt's
aside from g.proj (so I don't necessarily have to start GRASS)?

Q: What's the preferred method of looking up EPSGs?  I rely on QGIS.

Q: Isn't this a generally useful and popular projection?  "Default
values for φ1 and φ2 are respectively 29.5 N and 45.5 N (values normally
used for maps of the conterminous United States)." (4)  Shouldn't it
have an easy-to-use EPSG?  Maybe it does and I just don't know where to

Anyone still reading?  I will post again if I discover anything further,
but I have been obsessing about this for ~24 hours now, so I think I
will try something else.  Much obliged for any input from the group and
happy to provide omitted details.


(4) p. 35, Cartographic Projection Procedures for the UNIX Environment—A
    User’s Manual ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/proj/new_docs/OF90-284.pdf

-------------- next part --------------
PROJCS["Albers Equal Area",
-------------- next part --------------
INFO: Open of `temp'
using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.

Layer name: counties
Geometry: Polygon
Feature Count: 3140
Extent: (-6293474.061879, 2670863.569639) - (2256278.441196, 8557825.854853)
Layer SRS WKT:
PROJCS["Albers Equal Area",
NAME: String (32.0)
STATE_NAME: String (25.0)
STATE_FIPS: String (2.0)
CNTY_FIPS: String (3.0)
FIPS: String (5.0)
AREA: Real (18.4)
POP1990: Integer (10.0)
POP1997: Integer (10.0)
POP90_SQMI: Integer (6.0)
HOUSEHOLDS: Integer (8.0)
MALES: Integer (8.0)
FEMALES: Integer (8.0)
WHITE: Integer (8.0)
BLACK: Integer (8.0)
AMERI_ES: Integer (6.0)
ASIAN_PI: Integer (7.0)
OTHER: Integer (8.0)
HISPANIC: Integer (8.0)
AGE_UNDER5: Integer (7.0)
AGE_5_17: Integer (8.0)
AGE_18_29: Integer (8.0)
AGE_30_49: Integer (8.0)
AGE_50_64: Integer (8.0)
AGE_65_UP: Integer (7.0)
NEVERMARRY: Integer (8.0)
MARRIED: Integer (8.0)
SEPARATED: Integer (7.0)
WIDOWED: Integer (7.0)
DIVORCED: Integer (7.0)
HSEHLD_1_M: Integer (7.0)
HSEHLD_1_F: Integer (7.0)
MARHH_CHD: Integer (7.0)
MARHH_NO_C: Integer (7.0)
MHH_CHILD: Integer (6.0)
FHH_CHILD: Integer (7.0)
HSE_UNITS: Integer (8.0)
VACANT: Integer (7.0)
OWNER_OCC: Integer (8.0)
RENTER_OCC: Integer (8.0)
MEDIAN_VAL: Integer (7.0)
MEDIANRENT: Integer (4.0)
UNITS_1DET: Integer (8.0)
UNITS_1ATT: Integer (7.0)
UNITS2: Integer (7.0)
UNITS3_9: Integer (7.0)
UNITS10_49: Integer (7.0)
UNITS50_UP: Integer (7.0)
MOBILEHOME: Integer (6.0)
NO_FARMS87: Integer (5.0)
AVG_SIZE87: Integer (6.0)
CROP_ACR87: Integer (8.0)
AVG_SALE87: Integer (7.0)

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