[Gdal-dev] FOSS4G 2006 Conference

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at tkk.fi
Wed Mar 29 12:35:50 EST 2006

Frank Warmerdam kirjoitti:
>  Folks,
>  I am including the announcement for the FOSS4G conference this
>  September.  From my point of view this is *the* conference for GDAL
>  for the year, and I hope to meeting lots of folks interested in
>  GDAL/OGR there.   I am not currently planning to present any
>  workshops but I do hope to do a presentation or two on GDAL/OGR and
>  related technologies.
>  I am interested in feedback from the community on what they would
>  like to see presented and accomplished at the conference. I would be
>  interested in a BOF (Birds of a Feather) session or something similar
>  if the community was interested.

I am going to attend the conference. I am of course interested in a 
GDAL/OGR Swig BoF, or workshop or something that really digs in into the 
matter -- I understand that "workshop" in the announcement means in fact 
something I understand as tutorials, as workshops were in Minneapolis.

I am also interested in a BoF or something where the topic would be 
using WCS and WFS as a datasource for GDAL and OGR (or developing such 


>  --
>  FOSS4G2006, the international conference addressing geospatial data
>  technologies developed by or of relevance to the Open  Source
>  community, will be held September 12-15th, 2006 in Lausanne,
>  Switzerland. The conference will bring together all the  Free and
>  Open Source Software for Geoinformatics (FOSS4G) communities.  The
>  conference incorporates the OSGIS Conference, Mapserver User Meeting,
>  GRASS Users Conference, Java oriented FOSS4G and EOGEO Workshops
>  with the intent to be broadly inclusive.
>  Lausanne, Switzerland will host  the conference, making it the first
>  time many of these groups will  meet in Europe. A committee is
>  working to design a program with elements  that will interest
>  participants from the novice to the expert. The  conference strives
>  to build on the successes and enthusiasm generated  by previous,
>  related meetings.
>  Important dates to note (dates are approximate and subject to
>  change):
>  April 15, 2006    Workshop submission deadline
>  June 30, 2006        Presentation submission deadline
>  April 15, 2006    Final registration opening (pre-registration is
>  open)
>  June 30, 2006        Early registration deadline
>  We strongly encourage making your room reservation early as September
>  is still high season for tourism in Lausanne.
>  For more information, registration and/or submit a contribution,
>  please visit the conference website at http://www.foss4g2006.org
>  Take advantage of the opportunity FOSS4G2006 offers to network with
>  fellow geospatial data professionals, renewing old  acquaintances and
>  making new ones. Hope to see you there!

Prof. Ari Jolma
Kartografia ja Geoinformatiikka / Cartography and Geoinformatics
Teknillinen Korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology
POBox 1200, 02015 TKK, Finland
Email: ari.jolma at tkk.fi URL: http://www.tkk.fi/~jolma

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