[Gdal-dev] tiff creation with a colormap ?

Didrik Pinte dpinte at itae.be
Fri May 5 10:44:14 EDT 2006


Little technical question. I have (x,y,z) raster that i'm outputting to
a GeoTiff file with the following code :

driver_options = ['TFW=YES' 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE']
dst_ds = driver.Create( filename, len(self.idx['X']),\
                            len(self.idx['Y']), 1, gdal.GDT_Byte,\
                            driver_options )
[... coord sys lines ...]
dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( numpy.transpose(raster) )

This creates a great raster in levels of gray.

Used to matplotlib, how can I output this raster with a colormap [1]? Do
I have to generate three bands ?

Many thanks for your help


[1] here is an example of what i get with matplotlib :
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