[Gdal-dev] Re: HELP: GDAL for windows CE

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon May 8 17:17:31 EDT 2006


Vasku Pech wrote:
> I had to add ex to your #define in  cpl_config.h
> So for example:
> #define strerror wce_strerror /* defined in cpl_wince.h */
> was changed to read
> #define strerror wceex_strerror /* defined in cpl_wince.h */ (extra ex in wce_strerror)

It seems you've found a bug.
Recently (~1 month ago), I got a request from one user to change wce_
prefix to something other because MFC on Windows CE include
functions like wce_time.
So, I changed the prefix to wceex_
but it seems I did not updated all places.

>=2 weeks ago, I removed Windows installation + VC++ from my laptop,
so I was not able to build it.

So, thanks for your effort. I'll commit your bug fix soon.

> I had to do this through out the cpl_config.h file. Where ever I found wce I added ex to it.

Yes, thanks!

> After these changes I managed to get the source to compile but there were 51 warnings all to
> do with the same file cpl_string.h: The warning is -
> c:\gdal-131a_wince\gdal-cvs-2006.04.26\port\cpl_string.h(211) : warning C4275: non dll-interface
>class 'std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class
std::allocator<char> >'
> used as base for dll-interface class 'CPLString'

Yes, it's well known warning, but AFAIK it does not cause any problems.
There seems to be a problem with STL stuff on Windows CE, but I'd say
you can safely ignore it for now.

> Is it ok if I use the DLL as is?

I've not met any problems for last ~3 months.

> I managed to compile the source for the device but could not get it to compile for the emulator.
> I need to get it to work as I will be testing my code first
> using the emulator.

Sorry, I've never useed emulator for Windows CE development.
It's too far from real environment.
So, I have no idea if it's possible to use STLport on emulator :-(

> Why can I not compile for the emulator?

I suppose you will have to use some preprocessor definitions.

> PS: In your last email you stated
> Mateus wrote:
> Hmm, I don't have this file there in the ogr subdir.
> cpl_config.h should be renamed as I'm explaining above
> Look in the following directory ogr\ogrsf_frmts\dgn\dist. You should find another copy of cpl_config.h

Yes, but I've not compiled DGN driver yet.

Mateusz Łoskot

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