[Gdal-dev] tiff to jp2ecw

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Mon May 29 11:18:08 EDT 2006

Dear Frank,

* Frank Warmerdam (warmerdam at pobox.com) [060529 14:30]:
> >   gdal_translate input.tif -of JP2ECW -ot Byte -co TARGET=0 output.jp2
> >
> >However... there are two problems:
> > (1) the input.tif (geotiff) contains 6 images, created with
> >       geotifcp [123456].tif input.tif
> >     however, the resulting output.jp2 contains only one image (the first)
> Basically GDAL treats GeoTIFF as a one-image-per-file format.
> If you wanted the six images treated as bands of a single image then
> you could use a different mechanism to merge the bands. Let me know if
> that was your desire.

Yes, that is (probably) what I need.  Six bands in one image of six images
in one file.... probably both work.  How can I achieve the former?

> > (2) "gdalinfo output.jp2" says:
> >       Driver: JP2KAK/JPEG-2000 (based on Kakadu)
> >     where I expected JP2ECW
> This is not a problem.  The result is a JPEG2000 file, and FWTools
> includes more than one JPEG2000 driver, naming the JP2ECW driver, ...

Ok, now I understand: the specified driver is not the one which produced
the image but is the one who reads the image.

Thanks for your help!

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