[Gdal-dev] C# Bindings Error

Christian M. Gonzalez cgonzalez at cepropa.com.ar
Wed Nov 15 07:37:22 EST 2006



I downloaded the cvs zip from 2006-11-14.

I had success in building the gdal library, but when I tried to build the C#
bindings, I got the following errors:


--- BEGIN: COPY OF SCREEN ----------------------------


C:\gdal\swig\csharp>nmake -f makefile.vc interface


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.42

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


        cd const

        C:\swig\swigwin-1.3.30\swig.exe -csharp -namespace GDAL -dllimport
gdal_gdalconst_wrap -o gdalconst_wrap.c ../../include/gdalconst.i

        cd ..

        cd gdal

        C:\swig\swigwin-1.3.30\swig.exe -c++ -csharp -namespace GDAL
-dllimport  gdal_gdal_wrap -I../../include/csharp -o gdal_wrap.cpp

..\..\include\MajorObject.i(54): Error: No methodmodifiers attribute defined
in csdestruct typemap for MajorObject.

..\..\include\Driver.i(97): Error: No methodmodifiers attribute defined in
csdestruct_derived typemap for Driver.

..\..\include\gdal.i(324): Error: No methodmodifiers attribute defined in
csdestruct typemap for GCP.

..\..\include\Dataset.i(225): Error: No methodmodifiers attribute defined in
csdestruct_derived typemap for Dataset.

../../include/csharp\gdal_csharp_extend.i(34): Error: No methodmodifiers
attribute defined in csdestruct_derived typemap for Band.

..\..\include\ColorTable.i(57): Error: No methodmodifiers attribute defined
in csdestruct typemap for ColorTable.

NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\swig\swigwin-1.3.30\swig.exe' : return code




--- END: COPY OF SCREEN ----------------------------


Could anyone tell me if I made a mistake in the process?

Thanks a lot.


Christian Gonzalez


Patagonia - Argentina




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